Infrastructure Pricing

Some examples of costs to run the Virtual Signer in an Intel SGX secured environment

For deploying on Microsoft Azure using an Intel SGX compatible host, here is some guideline pricing information from Azure's pricing tool with some options for saving on costs.

Indicative pricing for East US region. Use the tool above with your own region for the latest pricing

Deployment Options Comparison

AspectMinimal SetupHigh-Throughput Setup
Dedicated HostDCsv2-Type1DCsv2-Type1
VM SizeStandard_DC1s_v2Standard_DC2s_v2
VMs per Dedicated Host6 instances3 instances
RAM per VM4GB+ with swap8GB+ with swap
Storage per VM20 GB+ SSD20 GB+ SSD
Supports Multiple Vaults and Signers
Recommended for Production

Indicative Monthly Costs

Pay-as-you-go ($616.85/month per host)

Deployment TypeCost CalculationPer-VM CostPer Virtual Signer
Minimal Setup$616.85 ÷ 6 VMs$102.81/month$102.81/month
High-Throughput Setup$616.85 ÷ 3 VMs$205.62/month$205.62/month

1-Year Options

Reserved Instances ($493.34/month per host, ~20% savings)

Deployment TypeCost CalculationPer-VM CostPer Virtual Signer
Minimal Setup$493.34 ÷ 6 VMs$82.22/month$82.22/month
High-Throughput Setup$493.34 ÷ 3 VMs$164.45/month$164.45/month

Savings Plan ($513.47/month per host, ~17% savings)

Deployment TypeCost CalculationPer-VM CostPer Virtual Signer
Minimal Setup$513.47 ÷ 6 VMs$85.58/month$85.58/month
High-Throughput Setup$513.47 ÷ 3 VMs$171.16/month$171.16/month

3-Year Options

Reserved Instances ($462.53/month per host, ~25% savings)

Deployment TypeCost CalculationPer-VM CostPer Virtual Signer
Minimal Setup$462.53 ÷ 6 VMs$77.09/month$77.09/month
High-Throughput Setup$462.53 ÷ 3 VMs$154.18/month$154.18/month

Savings Plan ($380.54/month per host, ~38% savings)

Deployment TypeCost CalculationPer-VM CostPer Virtual Signer
Minimal Setup$380.54 ÷ 6 VMs$63.42/month$63.42/month
High-Throughput Setup$380.54 ÷ 3 VMs$126.85/month$126.85/month

Understanding Azure Commitment Options

Azure offers two types of commitment-based pricing for Dedicated Hosts:

  1. Reserved Instances: These provide a moderate discount (20-25% savings) with slightly more flexibility in terms of deployment options.

  2. Savings Plan: This option provides the deepest discounts (17-38% savings) in exchange for a longer-term commitment to using Azure services.

Important Notes:

  1. These prices are indicative only and based on Azure's East US region pricing for DCsv2-Type1 Dedicated Hosts.
  2. Each Virtual Signer instance runs in its own isolated VM for maximum defense-in-depth security.
  3. The Dedicated Host is charged at the host level regardless of how many VMs are running.
  4. Commitment terms affect pricing significantly:
    • 1-year Reserved Instances offer ~20% savings
    • 1-year Savings Plan offers ~17% savings
    • 3-year Reserved Instances offer ~25% savings
    • 3-year Savings Plan offers ~38% savings
  5. While it's possible to run multiple Virtual Signers on a single VM, we recommend maintaining VM isolation for enhanced security.

Prices shown are based on Azure pricing as of the calculation date. Please check the Azure Dedicated Hosts pricing calculator for current rates and to explore pricing for other regions.
Actual pricing may vary depending on the type of agreement entered with Microsoft, date of purchase, the region chosen, and the currency exchange rate.