Prometheus Metrics
Monitoring your Virtual Signer in production
The Virtual Signer exposes performance and operational metrics through a built-in Prometheus endpoint. These metrics can be collected, stored, and visualized using tools such as Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the health and performance of your deployment.
Metrics Configuration
The Prometheus metrics endpoint is configured using the following Configuration item:
: Defines the port where the Prometheus metrics server will listen (default:2112
When using smart contract based configuration, this can also be specified using:
: Sets the Prometheus port in the contract-based configuration
Available Metrics
The Virtual Signer integrates with Prometheus by sending traces, logs, and metrics. Prometheus can serve as a "gateway" to other applications that store, display, or alert on these traces and metrics. By default, Prometheus metrics are exposed through the /metrics
endpoint on port 2112:
Exposed Counters
The Virtual Signer tracks the following counters while running:
Counter | Description |
VSStart | The number of times that the Virtual Signer started. |
TxRequestsCounter | The number of transaction signing requests processed. |
ReshareRequestsCounter | The number of reshare requests (not key generation) processed. |
KeygenRequestsCounter | The number of key generation requests processed. Key generation happens when a new vault is created. |
TxRequestsSuccessfulCounter | The number of successful transaction signing requests. |
ReshareRequestsSuccessfulCounter | The number of successful reshare requests (not key generation). |
KeygenRequestsSuccessfulCounter | The number of successful key generation requests. |
TxRequestsFailedCounter | The number of failed transaction signing requests. |
ReshareRequestsFailedCounter | The number of failed reshare requests. |
KeygenRequestsFailedCounter | The number of failed key generation requests. |
MQTTConnectedCounter | The number of MQTT connections. MQTT is the transport service for messages exchanged by devices during the protocols. |
MQTTReconnectedCounter | The number of MQTT reconnections. |
MQTTDisconnectedCounter | The number of MQTT disconnects. |
IOAPIConnectionError | The number of connection errors when connecting to the io.vault API. |
GraphQLConnectionError | The number of connection errors when connecting to GraphQL. GraphQL serves the Virtual Signer with requests. |
DevicesInFSAndInBackend | The number of devices in the file system and in the GraphQL back-end, detected during initialization. |
DevicesInFSButNotInBackend | The number of devices in the file system but not found in the GraphQL back-end. These devices are not active. |
InitialDeviceRegistered | The number of devices initially registered (at most one per VS instance). |
InitialDeviceRegistrationSkipped | The number of times that the Virtual Signer started and skipped initial device registration because the device already existed. |
Prometheus Setup Options
Managed Cloud Options for Prometheus
Rather than self-hosting Prometheus, you can use one of these managed cloud services to collect and store your metrics:
- AWS - Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) provides serverless Prometheus-compatible monitoring with automatic scaling.
- GCP - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus offers a fully managed metrics solution integrated with Google Cloud Monitoring.
- Azure - Azure Monitor with Prometheus integration allows collection of Prometheus metrics into Azure's monitoring platform.
- Grafana Cloud - Provides hosted Prometheus metrics collection with generous free tier and simple setup process.
- Chronosphere - Enterprise-grade cloud-native metrics platform designed for large-scale Prometheus deployments.
- Datadog - Offers Prometheus endpoint scraping capabilities as part of its comprehensive monitoring platform.
- New Relic - Provides Prometheus metrics integration with its observability platform.
- Splunk - Supports Prometheus metrics collection as part of its observability cloud offering.
- Dynatrace - Features automatic Prometheus metrics ingestion with its OneAgent technology.
Docker Compose Configuration
To enable metrics collection from your Virtual Signer in a Docker Compose environment, such as the one we set up in Deployment, you should expose the Prometheus port in your docker-compose.yml
. Moreover, make sure that your firewall is exposing port 2112
to the outside world if you will connect in from a managed cloud service.
version: "3.9"
image: iofinnet/io-vault-virtual-signer:latest
- "8080:8080" # API port
- "2112:2112" # Prometheus metrics port
- EDG_VS_PrometheusPort=2112
# other configuration...
Setting Up Local Prometheus to Scrape Metrics
If you prefer to set up Prometheus in your own Docker Compose environment and not rely on a managed cloud option, you should follow these steps. Let's configure a local Prometheus to scrape the metrics endpoint:
- Create or update your
scrape_interval: 15s
- job_name: 'virtual-signer'
- targets: ['virtual-signer-1:2112']
- Add Prometheus to your Docker Compose file:
# Virtual Signer service configuration...
image: prom/prometheus:latest
container_name: prometheus
- "9090:9090"
- ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
- prometheus_data:/prometheus
- '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'
- '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus'
- vsigner-network
driver: bridge
Visualizing Metrics with Grafana
Grafana will provide some useful visualizations of the metrics data. Once again, you can either use a managed service, like the ones listed above, or run Grafana locally in your own Docker Compose setup.
Let's look at how to set up Grafana locally to visualize the collected metrics:
- Add Grafana to your Docker Compose configuration:
# Existing services...
image: grafana/grafana:latest
container_name: grafana
- "3000:3000"
- grafana_data:/var/lib/grafana
- prometheus
- vsigner-network
# Existing volumes...
Access Grafana UI at
(default credentials: admin/secure-password) -
Add Prometheus as a data source:
- Navigate to Configuration > Data Sources
- Add Prometheus data source
- Set URL to
- Click "Save & Test"
Create a dashboard to visualize Virtual Signer metrics:
- Click "+ Create" > Dashboard
- Add panels for key metrics
- Use PromQL queries to display metrics (examples below)
Example Grafana Queries
Here are some example PromQL queries for common monitoring scenarios:
Request Rate:
Response Time (95th percentile):
histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{job="virtual-signer"}[5m])) by (le))
Error Rate:
sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="virtual-signer", status=~"5.."}[5m])) / sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="virtual-signer"}[5m]))
Securing the Prometheus Endpoint
In production environments, consider securing the Prometheus endpoint:
- Use network isolation to prevent public access to the metrics port
- Implement authentication for the Prometheus endpoint
- Use TLS to encrypt metrics traffic
Example Docker Compose configuration with network isolation:
# ... other configuration
- public-network # For API access
- metrics-network # For Prometheus access only
# ... prometheus configuration
- metrics-network
# Network exposed to public
# Internal network for metrics only
internal: true
This setup ensures that the Prometheus metrics are only accessible to other services within the defined network, not to the outside world.
Going into detail on how to do this with Docker Compose is beyond the scope of these pages, but you may find more information on Docker's docs pages.
Updated 4 days ago