Testing the Deployment

Making sure everything is set up right

When starting out on your Virtual Signer journey, you should at a very minimum put a new Virtual Signer instance into "Always Approve" mode and make sure that it's able to join a test vault, sign transactions and participate in reshare requests, both before and after a reboot of the physical host server.

Cloud services and servers may suffer from unplanned downtime on occasion, which is completely unavoidable, so you must make sure that your setup is resilient to random outages and reboots and is able to recover from them properly. Perform your own regular drills and test scenarios to make sure that this is the case.


Important: Disaster Recovery

The Virtual Signer is not able to independently run a vault on its own at this point. You must have a redundant set of mobile device signers to make sure that they are able to "take over" and recover access to a vault if the Virtual Signers are ever lost, damaged, or unable to be backed up.

Perform drills and air-gapped Disaster Recovery Process tests with your mobile signers to make sure that your team are familiar with the process of recovering access to a vault for if in the unlikely case this is ever needed, they are able to do it.