Navigating the complexities of modern financial APIs can be challenging. That's why we've compiled a series of examples to help you understand and effectively utilize IO's APIs. Whether you're looking to submit transactions, query data, or manage digital assets, these examples will guide you through each step of the process.

What You'll Find Here

In this section, we provide practical, real-world examples to demonstrate how to interact with our various APIs. These examples are designed to give you a hands-on understanding of how to integrate io.finnet's services into your systems and workflows.

Key Examples Include:

  • Querying Transactions: One of the most used queries. This will show you how to authenticate and get a list of transactions to/from your vault.

  • Submitting a Transaction: Submitting and signing a transaction. Theres complex cryptography securing your vault, but the APIs don't have to be complex too.

  • Other useful Queries: A list of useful queries and fragments to help get you started as quick as possible.